The Top 5 Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make in Chicago & Suburbs

Entering the world of real estate investing can be overwhelming. We’ve gathered some information to help guide you away from making needless mistakes saving yourself from emotional and financial stress by learning from the hard lessons of other investors. So read on as we explore the top five mistakes real estate investors make in Chicago … Continued

5 Unique Real Estate Investment Ideas for Buyers in Chicago & Suburbs

Ideas for real estate investments are limitless, and real estate purchases can be exciting for investors. However, it takes more than getting a good feeling about a property. Due diligence and skillful property management combine to build a healthy real estate portfolio. Diversifying into different sectors as you master each also helps build security against … Continued

3 Differences Between Buying Commercial and Residential Property in Chicago & Suburbs

Along with industrial, business or retail uses or apartment complexes, residential properties with more than five units are also commercial properties. Single-family homes, multi-family properties of up to four units and mobile homes are all considered residential properties. Both commercial and residential real estate investment opportunities serve to reach similar goals, with some very significant … Continued

How to Leverage Other People’s Money to Build a Real Estate Portfolio in Chicago & Suburbs

Leveraging to purchase real estate in Chicago & Suburbs allows investors like you to grow the wealth necessary to create the retirement of your dreams and create a passive income stream from your investments. Unfortunately, our real estate investment business needs and our available funds don’t always align, and leveraging other people’s money allows savvy … Continued